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Making the most of Office 365

Working remotely has changed the entire workplace dynamic. We’ve lost the ability to chat and laugh in hallways and take brainstorming lunch breaks which would inevitably lead to the occasional brilliantly creative solution. So how do we replicate this in a remote or long-distance setting? Many companies are finding a solid solution through Microsoft Office 365, in particular, the Microsoft Whiteboard, Polls, and Powerpoint Live.

Each of these solutions presents a way for collaboration, group brainstorming, and a feeling of community and togetherness that are similar to the office environment. However, ensuring that your employees have the ability to utilize these apps and tools may require some computer training as this can mean the difference between increased productivity or further remote dysfunction. Turning to a professional managed IT support team can keep your systems running smoothly while simultaneously ensuring that your remote workforce has the support and training they need to make the most of these resources.

Read More: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2021/03/17/how-to-use-office-apps-with-microsoft-teams-to-collaborate-and-create-today/

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